Get Immediate Dentures for Assured Dental Comfort in Medicine Hat
Getting a denture is a long process that requires taking impressions and extraction of remaining teeth, preparing the dentures and then adjusting them. One may have to go several weeks without teeth before getting permanent dentures. At times like this, comfort, functionality and presentation all come together in immediate dentures.
The Pros and Cons of Immediate Dentures
Immediate dentures offer several benefits. They can:
They can:
​ Protect the tissues in the mouth from trauma
​ Promote oral healing
​ Help you speak and eat properly (with time and practice)
​ Maintain muscle and tissue tone
​ Help to record and maintain inter-jaw relations
Like any other dental prosthesis, immediate dentures also have certain disadvantages:
​ Frequent clinic visits for numerous adjustments to ensure gum healing
​ Additional relining costs
​ Expect swelling and discomfort
​ Dentures cannot be aesthetically changed
Caring For Your Immediate Dentures Post Extraction

The advantages of immediate dentures exceed the disadvantages. When you choose this treatment, however, it is essential to maintain proper hygiene to prevent any discomfort and infections.
These cleaning tips can help:
​ Remove and clean your denture with a denture cleaner 24 hours after the extraction.
​ Do warm saline rinses to expedite healing.
​ Choose soft diets with high calorific value.
​ Take the prescribed pain relief medication because swelling and discomfort are natural.
​ Temporary liners called tissue conditioners may be useful during healing after 1-6 weeks.
Not Sure if Your Dentures Are Fitting Right?
When you start using your new dentures, if you face difficulty speaking, chewing, swallowing, or whistling, please note that these are common issues that patients face during the transitioning phase. You might also have a bulky feeling in your mouth because of the newly placed denture, or a burning sensation in the mouth or tongue, food stuck under the dentures, and loosening of the denture with liquids.
We recommend that you communicate all your apprehensions and experiences to our denturist so that we can make the transition easy for you.